Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Miracles Follow The Plow
By A.W. Tozer (as it appeared in The Evangelist Newsletter, August 2011)

“Break up your fallow ground; for it is time to seek the Lord, till He come and rain righteousness upon you.” Hosea 10:12

There are two kinds of ground: fallow ground, and ground that has been broken up by the plow.

The fallow field is smug, contented, protected from the shock of the plow and the agitation of the harrow. Such a field, as it lies year after year, becomes a familiar landmark to the crow and the blue jay. Safe and undisturbed, it sprawls lazily in the sunshine, the picture of sleepy contentment. Fruit it can never know because it is afraid of the plow and the harrow.

In direct opposite to this, the cultivated field has yielded itself to the adventure of living. The protecting fence has opened to admit the plow, and the plow has come as plows always come, practical, cruel, business - like and in a hurry. Peace has been shattered by the shouting farmer and the rattle of machinery. The field has felt the travail of change; it has been upset, turned over, bruised and broken, but its rewards come hard upon its labors. The seed shoots up into the daylight, its miracle of life, curious, exploring the new world above it. Nature’s wonders follow the plow.

There are two kinds of lives also: the fallow and the plowed. The man of fallow life is contented with himself and the fruit he once bore. He does not want to be disturbed. He smiles in tolerant superiority at revivals, fastings, self - searchings, and all the travail of fruit bearing and the anguish of advance. The spirit of adventure is dead within him…he has fenced himself in, and by the same act he has fenced out God and the miracle.

The plowed life is the life that has…thrown down the protecting fences and sent the plow of confession into the soul. Such a life has put away defense, and has forsaken the safety of death for the peril of life. Discontent, yearning, contrition, courageous obedience to the will of God; these have bruised and broken the soil till it is ready again for the seed. And as always fruit follows the plow.

(A.W. Tozer, Paths To Power)

Wednesday, 10 August 2011

A Prayer to the Chief Shepherd

"Therefore, I urge the congregation leaders among you, as a fellow leader and witness to the Messiah's sufferings, as well as a sharer in the glory to be revealed: shepherd the flock of God that is in your care, exercising oversight not out of constraint, but willingly, as God wants; and not out of a desire for dishonest gain, but with enthusiasm; also not as (machers) domineering over those in your care, but as people who become examples to the flock. Then, when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive glory as your unfading crown." 1 Peter 5: 1-4; the Complete Jewish Bible

Master, how shall I lead the flock
that You entrust to me,
How shall I adequately love the ones
that You have prepared for me?

How shall I entreat and protect
Your chosen ones in my care,
How shall I walk with certainty
Yet share Your example of humility so rare?

Master, will You teach me how to carry
Your lambs in my arms
Will You show me how to wrestle
for the willful ones in prayer?

Will You provide the care that cast away anxiety
Will Your constant flow of joy
replenish the burden of piety?

Gentle Shepherd, please lead me beside Your Living Stream
and restore my soul to Your Reflection...

For then I know that I can rest
in Your goodness and Mercy
as my feet find its way in Your Pastures of Peace.

Written by: Yulande Rix Oosthuyzen
August 07, 2011
Surrey, BC

Vir Moeder: DAAR IS N LAND

Daar is n land -
sonder die horison van skeiding

Daar is n land -
sonder pyn en lyding...

Daar is n land -
sonder die vrees van oseane

Daar is n land -
sonder die dofheid van trane...

Daar is n land  -
van soete vrede en rus

Daar is n land -
waar ons dierbares wag met n kus...

Daar is n land -
van blomme en glashelder riviere

Daar is n land -
met kosbare juwele vir mure...

Daar is n land -
met lofprysende heiliges

Daar is n land -
waar ons sondes vir altyd gereinig is...

Daar is n land - 
met n Ewigheersende Koning

Daar is n land - 
ons tuiste...ons woning...

Skrywer: Yulande Rix Oosthuyzen
Vrydag, 28 Mei 2004
Kanada, 12H30 

Lead on, Lord...

Weather beaten like an old farm plow
Is my shield of faith that I hold out
to the torrential rain of financial struggle

I know my Father is rich in houses and land
Yet, my cupboards are empty and my thin coat I can't stand
There's the pressures of rent, of schooling and gas
there's the extra labor for clothing, for food and for cash

I know that there must be an answer
that will close the books forever on this monetary cancer
I must plan for the land to be ploughed, watered and seeded -
Much prayer and many resources will be needed

I believe that tomorrow is the fruit of today
that blossomed and ripened in the labor I do and the words that I say
This is my Father's world - the gold and the silver are His
My path is never to forfeit even one little piece
of the adventures and rainbows of treacherous seas

So valiantly I go forward swinging my shield
It is time for project and process in this here field
Rain, sunshine or snow - it matters not
for this I know: That seasons will come and seasons will go
So I will find joy in today
In the truth of the clay resting and abiding in the Potter's Way

It is the pressure of His hand that I feel  as He firmly holds me
It is the shaping of my form I sense as He gently leads me

My faith shield, being tested by storms,
will be able to testify of distinguished norms
That though the struggles of life attempt to strip its colour
It only adds depth and boldness to the hand that holds it
An unwavering certainty that courage enfolds it

Written by: Yulande Oosthuyzen
New Westminster, BC November 2010

Saturday, 16 July 2011

What is courage?

Is it the ability to advance and proceed
Even when uncertainties have blocked any possible speed?

Is courage the ability to exert strength on the inside
With boldness and clarity
Even though the obstacles are clearly outlined
and it probably would be easier to just retreat?

Is courage a quality that needs to be added to faith
when new territories are to be conquered
and the unknown is to be claimed?

Is courage a quality that develops perseverance
Or does perseverance develop courage?

What I do know is that courage somehow strengthens my faith
And the hand that holds the shield feels bolder, yet quieter
With a greater unwavering steadiness in its grasp -
the possibility of certain victory is enlarged

Written by: Yulande Oosthuyzen
New Westminster, BC November 2010

The Highway of Holiness

You beckon for me to follow
Your stature so strong, full of promise, mature

Your eyes are pure and glowing
Your delights are unsurpassed and full

Like a young *stag with firm purpose
You make known Your desire for me

For a moment I hesitate
For a while I linger in uncertainty...

Was it only the other day when I read the words of the **prophet?
Was it only a fleeting desire of yesterday to trade my reality for Your high places?

My crippled heart rejects the jagged heat of the narrow journey
and my attachment with the familiar cringe at the thought of likely separation...

Yet, You have already armed me with strength
You have already changed my hesitant feet
You have already graced my neck with transparent jewels
that reflect the colors of Your mantle that You placed on me

Why then do I fear to follow?
What more do I need to obey?

My eyes travel to meet Your face
My senses alert to Your call...

It is Your Name I reach for as I turn
It is the fragrance of ***Your ointments that enfold me -
Draw me away!

Oh, show me the cross where You died
Show me again the place where death was denied
Show me again where You forever traded my sorrow
Show me again the path You have for me to follow

Entwine my heart with chords of crimson
Weave my robes with royal perfection
Open my ear to hear the pure sound of Your voice -
*****" you are all fair, my love and there is no spot in you."

With joy and gladness will I run to meet you
With expectancy and certainty I know
That the narrow place ends here
In a magnificent display of prism colors on the highway of holiness

Written by: Yulande Oosthuyzen
July 15, 2011 – Surrey, BC

* Song of Solomon 8 :14
** Habakkuk 3 :19
*** Song of Solomon 1: 3 & 4
**** Song of Solomon 4 : 7 & 11 Corinthians 5 : 21

Sunday, 8 May 2011

Vir my dierbare Moeder en sussies op Moedersdag

My gedagtes draai vandag ver...ver oor die uitgestrekte oseaan en die duisende myle wat ons skei...maar dan weer is my gedagtes ook intens en net so naby soos my eie hart, want vandag is n dag vir wonderlike herinnneringe aan al die tye wat ons saam deurgebring het.
Ek dink aan al die koppies tee wat ons gedeel het, al die heerlike speel dae wat ons kinders saam geniet het, al die koeke wat ons versier het en al die heerlike boerewors wat ons saam gebraai het. Die lag en gesels, die kleintjies wat mekaar gebyt en geknyp het , die warm sonskyn op my vel onder die groot wilge boom by die Kenridge huis swem bad.
Partymaal wonder ek hoe die lewe sou wees as ek die horlosie kon terug draai en ek weer in die Kaap om die draai by my familie kon bly - as ek weer die geleentheid kon he om die Boland van voor af te waardeer en van voor af herinneringe weg te le...Daar is belis n deel van my wat altyd sal bly verlang, wat nooit kan vergeet nie, en wat altyd sal bly wonder oor n soete re-unie wanneer ons nog almal jonk genoeg sal wees om weer oor die wit duine te gaan ry na n oggend by die Blou Peter...
Nietemin, te midde van baie verlange weet ek ook hoe gelukkig ek is om die roepstem van my Vader te hoor wat se dat elke land, volk en taal in Sy hart is, en dat dit Sy hartsbegeerte is dat AL Sy kinders Sy boodskap van liefde en vrede sal hoor...en dan onthou ek ook dat Jesus gese het dat daar niemand is wat nie vader of moeder of broer of suster verlaat het aan wie Hy nie weer vaders, moeders, broers en susters sal gee nie - ja, somtyds wel ook saam met vervolging.
Dit is dus vandag my hardsgebed dat elkeen van ons daagliks vir mekaar sal bid en sal opdra aan die troon van genade. Ons is ver van mekaar, maar ons is nog steeds n eenheid - een in ons begeerte om die Koninkryk van God te bou waar Hy ons geplaas het, een in ons doel om Sy liefde, vrede en Wysheid daagliks uit te lewe..."we want to live our lives in such a way that it counts for eternity."
En dit is juis hier waar ek eer wil betoon aan die wonderlikste Moeder vir my op die hele aarde  - n Moeder wie se voorbeeld my altyd geleer het dat haar Meester eerste in haar lewe was. Mamma, jou lewe van toewyding aan die Meester, jou liefde vir Sy werk, Sy huis, Sy Woord, Sy lewenswysheid, Sy teenwoordigheid is die mooiste mooi wat enige vrou ooit vir haar kinders kon gee. Jou lewe was nie perfek nie, maar selfs daarin spreek jou voorbeeld boekdele, want in jou menslikheid is jy n voorbeeld wat tot my spreek wanneer my nietige menswees my tot die swakke realiteit van my eie bestaan roep...en dit is dan wanneer ek jou telkens hoor se: "Vir my is die lewe Christus..." Ek sien dan so duidelik die padwyser wat se: There is only one way...
Dankie Moeder vir al jou sterkte, krag van karakter en moed vir more...Jy is n wonder in jou inspirasie en n miljoener in al jou geestelike skatte wat jy so vryelik met my deel. Daarom, my liewe Moeder eer ek jou weer eens vandag as n uitverkore instrument in die hand van ons Koning - n Moeder van Naam in die huis van ons Vader - en n Moeder wie se geestelike kinders ons eers eendag in ons Ewige Woning duidelik sal kan sien...Ek is so lief vir jou en so trots op jou...ons is voorwaar bevoorregd soos min...
n Wonderlike Moedersdag wens ekjou toe...en n wonderlike Moedersdag aan al my dierbare sussies - mooier as julle is daar nie...

Monday, 2 May 2011

You are the "I AM" in me...

When my soul is thirsty and dry
When the sum total of all my efforts and being
Still leaves an unpainted canvass of longing and little achieving

It is then I can turn to You
And from the depths of Your Spirit within me I cry
To You my Rock and my Salvation
Your Spirit is water to my soul
Your Being is Bread to my hungry heart
Your Blood is the Life Flow that to my weary soul imparts
That “I AM”* in me** is greater and unimaginably more beautiful
Than my being can ever desire

In Your Beautiful Magnificence
My longing heart is satisfied to make an exchange of rest
In the quiet place Your knowing overtakes the distance to my hazy horizons
And Your strong love paints my empty canvass with YHWH ^^
Jehovah Tsidkenu *** knows best

Footnotes: References taken from the Bible

·         *    Exodus 3 : 13 - 15
·      *   Colossians 1 : 27
·      **  Ephesians 3 : 19
·      ^^ Tetragrammaton – “He Brings into Existence whatever Exists” – Ex. 3: 13 - 15
·         **  Jeremiah 23: 6 –  The LORD MY RIGHTEOUSNESS
·         *** Romans 6 : 18
·         *** 11 Cor. 5 : 17

Written By: Yulande Oosthuyzen

Thursday, 28 April 2011

Daughter of the King

Daughter of the King
A creative writing of a woman’s identity

Background: While doing Missionary work among the Xhosa people in Southern Africa as a young woman I noticed the gross inequality between the males and females of the local communities. Great was my struggle for many years as I realized that this same gender inequality existed not only in 3rd world cultures, but also in our christian churches – it only displayed differently as women not fit for Pastoral leadership…How I thank my Father for the revelation that He had brought to my heart in His timing…

The sparrow pitched himself on top of the white cross as if to proclaim with every chirp that he had found his home.

My thoughts travel back to life in my home village while the heat of the morning rest on my brow like thick incense. Makoti’s * and Makhulu’s * would be bending over the cooking fires now while the Intombi’s * would be swatting the flies that want to settle on the young Abantwana.* With a deep sigh my eyes focus on the invitation in front of me.

“Listen, O daughter, consider and incline your ear; forget your own people also, and your father’s house; so the King will greatly desire your beauty; because He is your Lord, worship Him. “

The cheeky sparrow flaps his wings and circles the cross. I remember the words of Jesus: ‘Do not worry, saying “What shall we eat” Or “What shall we drink? Or “What shall we wear?” for your Heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.’

The shrill whistle of the train pierce the words in front of me as I wonder if the holy anointing oil is fit for the heads of women for it was never to be poured out on the flesh. ^ The invitation of the King lies unanswered in my lap as I wrestle with the fragrant vision of myrrh, cassia, sweet cinnamon, cane and olive oil. ^

A quiet, gentle breeze from the valley carry the scent of lilies and roses as I notice that the little church seems to be leaning to one side today, as if the foundation is uneven and puts the cross at a disadvantage.

Thoughts jab my chest as I imagine how beautiful the women in my home village would look with the acceptance of their value as the King’s daughters dressed in royal garments and how the ugliness of dirt and poverty would be transformed by the King’s righteous scepter. The oil of joy and gladness will rest on their offspring instead of the buzzing flies…But where will they worship, and what Kingly work will there be for them to do? Perhaps, like Lydia, the seller of purple cloth, they could gather by the river…

I look up at the cross and hear the noise of the sparrows, as if with every screech to demand answers: “What is the worth of a King’s daughter?” and “Does the King anoint our heads with oil even as the good Shepherd anoints the heads of His Sheep?

Weary from struggling with my thoughts I turn over the invitation in my lap and almost jump out of my skin, for boldly it says: “You are worth much more than a sparrow. You are worth the redemption price of a son.** I gave My One and Only Son in exchange for you to be queens and joint heirs of my Covenant Promises to Abraham and David. *** This shall be the sign of My anointing on your life: You shall bear the image of the
Christ, the Anointed One.” ^^

Hastily I rise to enter the little church and remind myself to mail the letter with Good News to my village. “The King has entered His chambers; His Son is preparing a feast; there is lots of work to do and He is asking for you.”

 Footnotes on the Xhosa Words:

·          *      Makoti – Young married woman
·          *      Makhulu – Grandmother
·          *      Intombi – girl
·          *      Abantwana – children

·          **    Numbers 3 : 11 – 13
·          **    Numbers 3 : 44 –
·          **    1Corinthian 6 : 20

·          ***  2 Cor. 6:16 – 17

·          ***  1 Peter 2 : 4 – 5

·          ^  Exodus 30 : 22-33

·          ^^ 2 Cor.1 : 21; 1 John 2:27 – 3: 1

Written by : Yulande Oosthuyzen
March 02, 2011

Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Ministering to the human spirit

Most counceling that we are familiar with happens on a soul level, but christian counseling should include Ministry to the human spirit - not only soul care. The following link provides a good introduction.


Monday, 25 April 2011

Gems in the dust

People, faces…hurrying, scurrying
Walking, talking…working, wanting

It was a day destined to be different
When I knelt to rest from the burdens on the Way

My back was aching
My heart was lonely
The heat of the day had scorched my brow…
And then I saw it

A small stone with an unusual shape
Was catching the rays of the sunlight
In such a way that it shone brightly

I picked it up – how dirty it was…
With careful strokes I cleaned the dust away – it sparkled
I held it up against the light
And it reflected a glorious lustre – could this be a jewel?

As I contemplated the next steps for my new found treasure,
I straightened my back and looked beyond the horizon
My lonely heart rejoicing –

From deep inside I heard the Master Builder’s Voice
“From such cast away stones I build My House,
For they are but gems in the dust.”

Written by: Yulande Oosthuyzen
1 Peter 2: 4 – 10

Father's Love letter


Christians for Biblical equality

There is so much confusion over what God's Word teaches regarding male /female relationships...In order to build strong families, we need to correctly understand God's heart in this matter, for a strong family starts with the foundational building blocks of God's wisdom view of marriage and family relationships. I can highly recommend the articles of Christians for Biblical equility  - they will challenge you to really think through what you believe and what you live....


I believe in male headship....

How is the new Testament concept of male headship different from the traditional hierarchical view of the family? Is subordination and submission the same thing? Excellent scholarly articles and resources can be found at Christians for Biblical Equility...


A Philosophy of the Christian Family and the Mission of the Church

No longer orphans, but sons and daughters of the King” – Jhn 14: 18

The origin of the human family has its very conception in the heart of God – the One who claims for Himself the title Father. Yet, through sin, mankind has lost its way and has gone totally astray in its understanding of healthy, functional family life. Thank God for Jesus who left the glories of heaven to come and show us how to find our way back to the Father. By placing our personal faith and trust in Jesus Christ - in His death and resurrection - we have the forgiveness of sin, a second chance and a whole new perspective on life and our new journey that starts with our relationship with our eternal Father, a relationship with our new family of brothers and sisters in Christ, and the sure knowledge that we have an eternal home prepared for us where we will all be together with Him for eternity.

In Malachi 2:15 we read that God desires a godly offspring. This always was our Father’s desire for us – that we should imitate Him and live freely in the fullness of an abundant life here on earth. Unfortunately, when satan got a hold of the dominion mandate that was first given to the human race (Genesis 1:26 – 28), he started to mar the model of the earthly family that was to imitate the image of God’s Family in heaven. Instead of Father God’s will being done on earth as it is done in heaven, satan successfully set himself up as the father of lies disguised as the Angel of light. Now, more than 2000 years after the birth of Christ, we see that the condition of the human race is more desperate than ever before, and that even the very understanding of right and wrong is now rising and falling on the bias and laws of Government institutions – another “wanna bee” parent to our nation’s children.

As much as we are admonished to pray for and be subject to governing authorities, the fact still remains that the responsibility and task for raising a godly offspring belongs first and foremost to parents and then to the local church - Deuteronomy 6: 4 ; Deut. 7: 6 – 8 ; 1 Peter 2:  9 -10, etc. . In the Judeo – Christian ethic of the Old Testament we find the roots of our Christian faith. Yet, in the newness of the New Covenant for us as gentiles, we also have the freedom to cultivate and train our children in the uniqueness of our own cultures while all the time preserving the perspective of godly wisdom that finds its very origin in the heart of God and that emphasizes the fear of the Lord. 

We live in perilous times where godly wisdom seem to oppose so much of what is widely accepted norms for child behaviour, healthy child development, family dynamics and healthy child discipline. This “enlightened “ way of raising children however does not seem to produce healthier individuals. The statistics for mental illness, behaviour problems, suicide rates and family divorce has reached an all time high. It is furthermore of incredible concern that research statistics for the Christian family does not show much difference in its divorce rate between the Christian and the non-christian family.

As never before the body of Jesus Christ as His heart, hands and feet to a dying and lost world, are called to make a difference in the lives of the hurting, the rejected, the poor, the widows, the orphans and all those who have been marginilised and wounded by our anti – god and anti-sound wisdom methods, beliefs and actions of child training and accepted norms of dysfunctional family life.

The task of nurturing Families and teaching them “to obey all things that I have commanded you” is a disciple making process that should include solid Biblical teaching, practical knowledge steps, one-on-one counseling and ongoing training courses for the healing, recovery and restoration of the Christian Family. In this way, the church will be actively involved and providing solid answers for one of the most pressing needs of our world – that of preserving a godly offspring.

 Written by: Yulande Oosthuyzen

Sunday, 24 April 2011

I support women in all levels of leadership in the church

Excellent article http://www.churchleaders.com/pastors/pastor-articles/150262-supporting-women-in-all-levels-of-ministry.html

The Invitation to an Abundant Life

Are you thirsty?
Are you hungry?

Listen to God’s voice. It will enable you to eat a proper diet of “the Living Bread” that will truly satisfy you. Listen to His voice – it will cause you to drink His Living Water that will quench your thirst and leave your soul to feel delighted and prospered.

Your soul needs the Living Water and Bread of Life in order to truly LIVE, but you have to open the ears of your heart to want to accept this diet from the Creator, Your Life Giver.

I will make the same Covenant with you that I made with David. In fact, that covenant is still in place, but now I invite you to also join in this Covenant with Me. I have not changed My Mind to bless and prosper you and to make you a people of influence that will witness and lead the nations; but you have to be willing to keep Covenant with Me, and you have to allow me to make you into a people that will be able to call forth the destinies of nations, for I also desire for them to hear Me, know Me and be nourished by Me.

The time is NOW for you to come to Me. Do not say that you will come later. Call on Me NOW. I am near. Return to Me, and I will forgive you. I will have compassion on you. Come NOW, just as you are – you do not have to be deserving.

You may not understand Me, for My thoughts are vey different from yours – much higher, wider and deeper. My thoughts exist altogether on a different logical level of the universe, and the Word from My mouth is beyond the limits of time, seasons, atmospheres and every logical understanding.

Yet, in nature you can observe the brilliance of My thoughts as I speak forth provision for the earth and its inhabitants and command the rain in its time to enable seedtime and harvest. It is my desire that the laborer should enjoy the satisfaction and fullness of the earth which I give in abundance. I do not with hold that which is necessary for your existence.

My Thoughts towards you are much higher than your own. My thoughts toward you are for blessing and prosperity. Look at the earth. There is Provision for everything that needs to be accomplished. Will you hear My Word? I have a plan for you according to My pleasure. Come in agreement with My Word for you. Live in agreement with My Word for you. My Word is a Supernatural Power that always accomplishes My Purpose.

When you hear My thoughts and plans for you and choose to accept it above your own thoughts and plans for yourself, you will be sustained and satisfied by My Presence – My Living Water, My Bread of Life, My Nourishing Milk and the Sweet Wine from My Breath.

Then you shall go out with joy and be led forth with peace. Then all nature will applaud you as you live as My glorious representatives on the earth, choosing to establish My Kingdom and doing My Will on earth even as it is already done in heaven.

Instead of your earthly life being marked by thorns and thistles and the toil of painful labor and futility you will experience joy, beauty, strength and purpose befitting of My Divine Presence gracing you. A New Name and a New Identity will mark your future as you walk out My Everlasting Covenant with you.

So, Come all you who are thirsty….COME…

Paraphrase of Isaiah 55
Written by Yulande Oosthuyzen, Dec. 2010